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If you didn’t know the true meaning of the world being a “Global village”, well we have learned the hard way especially in Africa where industrialization is still low meaning the service sector supports most country economies offering a glimpse of incomes, livelihood and welfare.

The tourism sector is one big sector whose growth was hampered by the COVID disaster, but not all hope is lost. As COVID infection rates drop further coupled with wide vaccination and community hard immunity, we can smile now as all sectors are now opened up and livelihood coming back to normal.


Africa Travel restrictions are being eased in most African countries with no mandatory COVID Tests upon arrival at airports as long as a traveler has a negative PCR Test prior to departure from their initial destination. This tremendously reduces the cost of travel in one way another.

We are all exhausted the body and soul needs to revamp and redefine our new direction to the purposeful living and Africa travel might just be your best bet for an escape route. Let your mind dance with the elephants, run like the cheetah in the savannah plains, exhibit the hunting braveness of the Lions for a meal is a meal no matter how fat or intimidating its might be, swing like the Giant primates the Gorillas and Chimpanzees in the Albertine rift thick jungle rainforests of Bwindi Impenetrable park, Volcanoes national park and Virunga park, Hike the great Rwenzori and Kilimanjaro mountains in show of strength and finally enjoy your coconut at the coastal beaches as you cool off. So much more awaits in the continent less traversed with warm hospitality welcoming you upon arrival.


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About Roger William

Tours and Travel Agent with over 10 years in African Safaris Travel business experience with a passion to share and guide other travelers on possible opportunities and adventures that can be inspiring and memorable. Based in Kampala, Uganda-East Africa.

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